Technology and Automation Grant

Technology and Automation Grant in FY 2023 for $45,000

Montgomery City-County Public Library (MCCPL) thanks Alabama Public Library Services (IMLS) for their continued support of the library through grants. In FY2023, The MCCPL received a $45,000 Library Technology and Automation Grant to provide updated equipment and improvement in its technological infrastructure.

CARES Relief Grants



Montgomery City-County Public Library received Award from Alabama Humanities Foundation CARES Relief Grants


Alabama Humanities Foundation (AHF) awarded 79 CARES Act relief grants to nonprofits across Alabama who have humanities programming as a significant part of their mission.


The funding was made possible through National Endowment for the Humanities. AHF awarded $507,500 for operational costs of these organizations, including salaries, rent, property maintenance, utilities, supplies and equipment. “This has been a difficult time for nonprofits throughout our state, and we were proud to play a role in supporting these organizations during this crisis,” said AHF Executive Director Lynn Clark.


The Montgomery City-County Public Library was awarded $5,000.00 to replace loss revenue due the reduction of not collecting fines and fees.  This grant will assist with programming and program supplies.


Thank you to the Alabama Department of Economic Affairs/Department of Energy  (ADECA) for your support of the Montgomery City-County Library through grants totaling over $50,000 in improving, upgrading and replacing lighting in the following libraries:  Juliette Hampton Morgan Memorial Library, Rufus A. Lewis Regional Library, EL Lowder Regional Library, Coliseum Boulevard Branch Library, Governors Square Branch Library, Ramer Branch Library, and the Pintlala Branch Library.  These upgrades improved lighting in all libraries 100% with LED lights which are more energy efficient, brighter and softer on the library collection.